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OBKA General Meeting the 7th of March 2017 by Keith Pierce

Keith Pierce, well known Dublin beekeeper was our March speaker. A full house heard Keith bring us through our Spring inspection. Keith had very practical suggestions for problems which might be apparent at the initial opening of the hives. Insulation is important- we never hear often enough that damp and lack of ventilation are the biggest killers at this time of year. Check that hive stands are level. Over the Winter there may have been a shift in levels which will not help the hive and the colony as it grows. Take off mouse guards and clean floors. If a colony is under strength at first inspection put it in a nuc. Losses in an apiary are greater between 7th march and 12th April than at any other time of year so it is important to monitor bees and feed if necessary. Candipolline was mentioned as a good feed/tonic for bees at this time of year. It is also a good idea to rake over top stores of honey on the brood frame to stimulate feeding and create room for a bigger brood nest if necessary.

Keith went on to talk of May beekeeping and the best time to add supers. In June, we might twist around our supers in order to maximise the amount of honey stored there. We heard about robbing, cleaning brace comb – and so much more besides.

It is not possible to share all the knowledge and expertise we hear at lectures – so please come along to meetings. Our next lecture will be with Tom Prendergast on 4th April where he will bring us through his year of beekeeping. Beginners’ classes are starting at 9 am on Saturday March 25th in Offaly History centre. This year we are trying a different format with theory sessions from 9-11 am followed by a practical session in the apiary from 11 -1pm. Current members are free to join us as you wish.

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